Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I know I haven't posted in a while....

So, I definitely have been meaning to update my blog for a while. I even started a post about Poland, but haven't finished it! Things have been kind of busy lately. This post will just be a quick update.

After returning from Poland, my friend, Liz, from camp came up to visit Emily and me. She has been here since Thursday and is heading on to Freiburg today. It was so great to have her here! Having visitors is always fun!

I have been working on lesson plans and what not. Right now I really need to get back to finishing up my lesson on the American Revolution (I will be teaching the 9th grade bilingual History class on Wednesdays by myself every week, and until shortly before Christmas, I will be teaching about the Revolution).

One quick interesting story though: yesterday I was observing 9th grade History, and the students were presenting posters about Napolean that they had made. One student, Jan, had a very interesting project. He explained Napolean's life as a metaphor. Instead of presenting him as a military and political leader, he explained him as a soccer star! It was a really neat project. I was totally impressed by his creativity.

Hopefully I will get some updates about Poland and what not up here soon!

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