This weekend Emily, Jessica, and I decided to take a day trip to Limburg an der Lahn. It's a small town northwest of Wiesbaden that is included on our Semesterticket
(therefore we could get there for free). It's a neat, little town. It
has a a lovely Cathedral and the town is located on the banks of theLahn River. In the picture you can see Jessica waddling with the ducks along the Lahn. We spent the day seeing the Altstadt and visiting various little stores. I bought some LImbrger Fruechtekorb Tea which I'm looking forward to trying.
It looks like I will be pretty busy teaching this week. I'm starting a new Unit with the 11th graders called "Moving Out". I'll also be teaching about the social conditions of the Industrial Revolution for 9th grade History. Tomorrow I'm doing a lesson on the State of the Union Address for the 12th graders, which I'm pretty excited about.
I started running at the beginning of the year, but stopped when it got
cold. I've started up again and am hoping to stick with it. There
aren't a lot of options of where to run around here, but I'm hoping to
maybe discover some different routes.
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