Last week was the annual German Fulbright Committee Conference in Berlin. All Americans doing Fulbrights in Germany were invited as well as those doing Fulbrights in other European countries. There were researchers, teaching assistants, exchange teachers, and exchange professors. For the conference we stayed at the Park Inn right on Alexanderplatz. We had a nice mixture of presentations from various Fulbrighters as well as talks and panels with people from other institutions.
At the conference I also got to meet up with the a lot of Fulbrighters that I haven't seen since orientation, which was really fun. Also, my friend, Lisa, who lived in Farley at ND also was there. She is doing a reaserch Fulbright in Estonia.
Being in Berlin was really fun. It's such a great city! I wish we would have had more time there too. The weather was great, so that helped a lot! The city is so interesting. It's amazing to think that it was split in half and the two halves were parts of two different countries. In addition Berlin has become a very mulitcultural city. I'm really excited to go back with the 10th graders in June!
The pictures are both from Berlin. The first one is Emily and I at a Mosque that we took a tour of (it was beautiful). The second one is Lisa, Veronique, Maureen, Emily and I with the former ambassador from Germany to Russia.
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