Wednesday, June 20, 2007

On my way home...

So I am currently sitting in the Chicago O'Hare airport waiting for my flight to Minneapolis. I can't believe that my 10 months in Germany are over. There were a lot of ups and downs this year, but I'm glad I did it. I met great people and learned a lot about Germany, teaching, friendship, and myself.
I've been behind on posting lately. I don't think I've posted at all during June. The first couple weeks I just hung out in Darmstadt, Frankfurt, and Gross-Bieberau. Lynn came up for a week because she was done at the end of May. We had a great time, and she finally got to see the Bieberau.
Last week Wednesday to Saturday I went to Berlin with the 10th Grade Bilingual History class from my school. It was a neat experience. A lot of the things we saw I had seen before, but I also saw some new things. It was also neat to be there with a bunch of 16 year olds who had never been there. They pretty much all fell in love with Berlin. It's such a great city. It was also really nice to get to know some of my student better. It's just a bummer that it was right at the end of the year.

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