Ok, so for those of you who did not know Biber means beaver, so that is where the name Gross-Bieberau comes from. Therefore there are of course Beaver statues in the town square.
Well today I observed two more classes. I observed an 11th grade German class as well as going to the 9th grade bilingual history class again. I enjoyed both classes. The German classes was working on a short story, and the 9th graders were learning about the French Revolution. In addition, during one of the breaks today, the principal introduced me to the faculty in the teachers' lounge. It was nice, because now everyone understands who I am and what I'm doing there. A lot of teachers talked to me afterwards. They were all nice, and I hope to get to know them better.
After school, Monika invited me to go to get something to eat. We decided to go to Dieburg, since that is where I needed to go to get a visa. Unfortunately, although I already registered in Gross-Bieberau, I am not in the system yet, so I was unable to apply for a visa. I will have to go try again next week. But the trip to Dieburg was still very worthwhile. Dieburg is larger than Gross-Bieberau and has a lot of nice stores and Cafes. It also has a very cute Altstadt.
Tomorrow I will be spending most of the day at school. I am observing all day except for one class period. I'm very excited to being spending more time at school tomorrow and getting to know so more teachers. The only bad things it that the first period starts at 7.45, which is pretty early for me!
I have not figured out how to put links in the column indicated for links on here, but for reference if anyone is interested, my school's website is: http://www.aesgb.de.
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