Ok, so I'm really new to blogging. I'm doing this so that anyone who is interested can kind of have an idea of what I'm up to this year. My landlord was nice enough to install internet in my apartment today, so I should be able to do this relatively regularly (I probably will do it regularly, since, at least now, I don't have too much going on).
Well, I arrived in Germany one week ago today. I flew over with my friend Emily who I've been going to Waldsee (German camp) with since we were about 10. Last week we had orientation in the little town of Altenberg outside of Cologne. At orientation there were 140 Americans, about 40 Brits, and then a few people from Canada, Ireland, and Australia. I was able to make some great contacts, and sort of get prepared for this year.
Friday I enjoyed the adventure of taking the bus from Altenberg to Cologne, then a train from Cologne to Mainz, and then a train from Mainz to Darmstadt, where my Betreuungslehrerin (mentor), Monika, picked me up. Monika showed me around a little bit and took me to my apartment. My apartment is below the house of a retired couple, the Holzhaeusers. They are very nice, and I'm hoping to get to know them quite well during my time here.
On Saturday Monika took me to Darmstadt to get a cell phone, so I could have contact with the outside world. She then took me to lunch. I was then somewhat left on my own until this morning. I spent my time taking lots of walks, reading, writing letters, and then walking around some more. Unfortunately my apartment does not have a tv, but that may come yet. Fortunately since I got a cell phone I was able to get in touch with my parents.
Sunday was a partiularly lonely day. I went to mass in the morning, which was very nice. The church, Sankt Andreas (St. Andrews), is a small very nice church. The congregation and priest seem nice. Yesterday, I did not really feel up to introducing myself to anyone, but I think I may go in on Wednesday to the church and introduce myself.
Today I went to my school for the first time. It was nice, but I was only there for about an hour. Tomorrow I will be introduced to most of the teachers and things. But, the big event today was getting internet. I was expecting to get it this week, but not today. Internet also means I can now use Skype, which means I can cheaply (and sometimes for free) talk to people back in the states.
Well I just wanted to write a quick introduction. I'm sure I will write more tomorrow.
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