Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I arrived back in Gross-Bieberau on Sunday. Being at home was wonderful - I loved constantly being around people I loved and who really knew me. Over break I was able to see a lot of my family - 3 of my 4 sisters and their families, my parents, and Aunt Mary and Uncle George. In addition, I got to see 3 of my best friends from high school, 2 of my roommates from college and one of my best friends from study abroad. I had some quality time in Winona as well as visiting Milwaukee, Fairmont and the Twin Cities.

This week is proving to be difficult. Jet lag and I are not friends (My long afternoon naps are most likely not helping). In addition, I had forgotten how much I really dislike living alone. It's just lonely. Fortunately, last night I got together for dinner with Emily, Jessica and Lisa, which was great - I'm so lucky to have them nearby.

Monday and Tuesday were pretty quiet at school, but today Monika wasn't there, so I'm teaching 5 hours for her (4 are done!) This morning I taught double periods of 12th and 11th grade English. It went pretty well. We did some cool games including "Apples to Apples" which went over really well! Also, there is a new American exchange student at my school. She was at a different school and with a different family up until now. She is 18 and graduated from high school last year. I think we will end up hanging out some, which should be good for both of us.

I found out that I may have some new readers since my Dad included my blog address in the family Christmas letter this year - Hopefully this will inspire me to update more often!

Also, I am planning to more pictures on here, but I'm trying to upload all my pictures to snapfish. If you would like to see them, just let me know, and I will invite you to see the albums!

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